1.6 SashimiSwap Vaults


SashimiSwap Vaults is SashimiSwap's assets management platform. Vaults invest the assets staked by users to conduct non-risky assets management through other DeFi products. It can automatically select and configure the best investment strategy based on factors such APY and safety. In addition, when the yield of each contract fluctuates, the Vaults will automatically adjust positions and transfer funds to help users get the highest financial returns. Users do not need to change any contract, which makes DeFi investment much easier to get started with.

Profit Distribution

The ratio of Performance Fee: 4.5%

Performance fee will be deducted from each Vault pool and deposited into Treasury. The profits after deducting the performance fee will be distributed to users in proprotion to their staking.

The ratio of Withdrawal Fee: 0.5%

In addition, withdrawal fee will be deducted when users withdraw. Among them, 1/4 of the withdrawal fee will be transferred to the Dev Fund, and 3/4 to Treasury.

Profit Strategy

The profit strategy is described as follows:

  1. If you choose WETH-DAI UNI-V2 LP Vault and stake the corresponding token, you can obtain svToken as staking voucher.

  2. The Vault stakes the UNI-V2 LP Token to the Uniswap pool.

  3. UNI rewards will be earned in this pool.

  4. The UNI awards earned will be converted to WETH in the Uniswap farm pool.

  5. 50% of WETH will be exchanged for DAI.

  6. At this time, adding WETH and DAI to the Uniswap DAI-WETH pool can obtain UNI-V2 LP Token. The UNI-V2 LP Token will enter the SashimiSwap Vault as the profits for the user's staking and can be recycled (a 4.5% Performance Fee will be charged when UNI-V2 LP Token enters the Vault).

  7. If you need to use svToken to withdraw the staked assets, the corresponding proportion of the capital and profits will be withdrawn at the same time (a 0.5% Withdrawal Fee) .

Note: The description above takes the staking of WETH-DAI UNI-V2 LP as an example.

Fees Comparison

SashimiSwap Vaults




Withdrawal Fee





Performance Fee





Contract Information

Vault Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3884eab512bB0475100997271EC83163DAa944AE

The Vault Contract for each asset:


Step 1: Make sure your wallet is connected, and select the Vault on the "Vault" page.

Step 2: Take DAI-ETH Vault as an example. First Click the Arrow to expand the page, then enter the amount of the assets to be staked in the input box on the left. The transaction is then confirmed in the connected wallet. If the staking is successful, svToken will be obtained as the staking voucher. You can calculate current earnings based on “1 DAI-ETH svUNI-V2 = 1.000106175477081 DAI-ETH UNI-V2 LP” and APY.

Step 3: When withdrawing the staked Tokens, enter the amount of svToken in the right input box and click “Withdraw”, then confirm the transaction in the connected wallet to withdraw the staked asset (a 0.5% withdrawal fee will be charged) .

Last updated